Antipodes Headquarters Butterfly Effect

ArchitectureNow have published a unique article on Antipodes Skincare Headquarters Refurbishment. Sharon Stephenson emphasises the ‘metamorphosis’ the heritage art deco building underwent during the AW refurbishment; ‘Buildings, like cats and the Dalai Lama, can have many lives.’

The outcome 'honours' the buildings heritage, whilst being a modern workplace for Antipodes staff with bountiful light, connecting workspaces and nature. AW are proud to have worked with an iconic New Zealand brand.

Founder and CEO Elizabeth Barbalich comments:

“We absolutely love the end result. We planned and worked closely with the architects, engineers and contractors to make a series of iterations to achieve this outstanding outcome. Thanks to the use of natural materials, such as marble, wood and concrete, our workspace is comfortable and fun to work in.”

The full article is available on-line here: ArchitectureNow - Butterfly Effect Antipodes HQ

For more about this project: Antipodes Headquarters

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